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Many people are shocked to see a service like RUN DAWG Mobile Dog Gym that offers exercise for dogs using treadmills. There are many uninformed people who will immediately think that it is cruel to exercise your dog in this way, or say that owners who choose to provide treadmill exercise are lazy and do not want to walk their dogs. Nothing is further from the truth, and treadmill exercise has been common for many years for those who care enough about their dogs to proved more than the bare minimum. Agility trainers, police dogs, protection dogs, military and other service dogs all use treadmill exercise to keep their dogs in tip top shape. The reason is exactly the same as why we have gyms for human beings, that a simple walk around the block just isn’t cutting it. The equipment is specifically designed to give dogs the ability to elevate their heart rate through running, all within a controlled environment that will keep them safe. Why don’t they just take police dogs to the dog park? Because that environment cannot provide the specific exercise that is necessary to keep a dog in perfect shape. Why don’t military dogs just “get a walk around the block?” Because their owners know that walking them around the block isn’t even close to enough.

In the United States, dog owners will assess the amount of exercise that is necessary for their dog based on their own convenience. If we don’t have a whole lot of extra time, then a 15 minute walk for our dog must be enough, right? If we are tired after a one mile walk, that must be making the dog tired too, right? Wrong. Your dog needs a lot more exercise than you do in order to stay healthy. As a matter of fact, you probably need a lot more exercise too, and are making excuses for yourself as well. Most people do not get enough exercise to stay healthy, and as a result their dogs suffer too. People who choose to exercise their dogs regularly on treadmills are trying to give their dogs the best situation possible.

What is a slatmill? There are two types of treadmills that are used for dog exercise. A normal treadmill is a motorized device that will move a belt under your feet, forcing you to walk or you will fall off the back. A “slatmill” is a conveyer belt that has no motor, and which is powered by the dog’s own movement. The dog is leashed to the slatmill by a collar or harness which connects to a stationary bar at the top. This connection forces them to stay in one place when they walk or run, the the belt simply moves beneath their feet when they do. If they stop walking or running, the belt stops as well. We feel these devices are more beneficial for dog exercise because the dog is not being forced to walk or run, instead being motivated to do so on their own. The experience is positive and fun, giving your dog lots of attention and positive motivation at the same time as they are working out. Our trainers monitor the dog continually during the session, watching for signs of exhaustion or medical issues, while also providing rest and water at intervals. This gives the dog the ability to go beyond their typical comfort level, which is necessary for exercise to be effective. The result is the dog burning calories in a climate controlled and fully supervised environment, the same way a personal trainer would help you in the gym. To lose weight and be healthy, you must raise your heart rate for periods of time. Taking it easy doesn’t do that effectively in you or your dog.

Treadmill exercise and training for dogs is safe, positive and fun for them. They end up getting healthier and happier, while also getting lots of attention while they are performing their tasks. Treadmill work becomes your dog’s job, and dogs love to learn new tasks and work a job they enjoy.


Ray and Jen began rescuing and rehabilitating dogs 25 years ago. Through exercise, diet and mental stimulations, they have found success at helping dogs that were abandoned for behavior issues as well as medical cases. Now they have created RUN DAWG to bring this service to Las Vegas.

10329 Grizzly Forest Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89178

T: 702-857-5755