One of the hallmarks of education is to admit that you do not know everything. Even if it was the way you have always understood it to be, accepting that new ideas and concepts can improve your life is necessary to moving forward. Sometimes, “the way we have always done it” isn’t right, and is actually harming you or those around you because you do not know any better. A good example of this is kibble dog food, which was created during the depression n America to provide an inexpensive alternative to meat that dogs needed to survive. Kibble was created using a process where meat scraps and other additives were ground together then dehydrated in order to make them not only cheap to manufacture and transport, but also convenient for humans to use. All you do is pour some kibble from the bag into your dog’s bowl and that’s it. Unfortunately, this practice that was developed during times when people could not afford better has continued during the times when people can, and the dogs are suffering because of it. They end up getting fed a diet that is not as nutritious as more expensive methods or products, and have their lives shortened through disease and nutritional deficiencies as a result. We look at average life spans of different breeds by numbers that were created simply through analyzing the averages of dog’s lives, and never look at ways to possibly extend those numbers through better nutrition. We simply accept it as “the way it is,” and never try different things that can make your dog live longer and healthier.

Walking your dog is another example of ignorance preventing better health. People believe that walking their dog every day is enough exercise for them, because that’s about all the exercise we want to do. We walk them over the surfaces that are convenient for us, flat, paved and easy to travel on. We make them heel because we do not want them to pull on the leash, because it is inconvenient for us. Meanwhile, the dog wants to move at a faster pace than us because their body is different than ours. They want to run ahead because that is what their bodies were built to do. We force them to walk at our pace, which puts 85% of their weight on their front legs and almost nothing on their rear legs. Over a lifetime of doing a daily walk with their owner and nothing more for exercise, you end up with a dog that has atrophied muscles in their rear end. The result is poor health, arthritis and spinal issues. We have no idea how long an average dog is supposed to live because so many of our own choices shorten their lives. Luckily, some dog owners are seeking ways to improve their dog’s lives beyond “what we have always done.”

Running your dog is what you should be doing with them. If you cannot run yourself then taking them to an area where they can run full speed safely. When your dog runs, he or she pushes off their back legs to move forward, building muscles than many dogs never use. Running strengthens their heart and lungs, and gives them more stamina. Veterinarians suggest at least a few mile walk every day with the owner, and a high intensity run for 30 minutes every other day. Most people look at this information and think “how could I possibly find the time to walk my dog for several hours a day, and also run them several times a week for a half hour?” Unfortunately, making excuses about why you cannot do this is hurting your dog. Your excuse for why you cannot properly care for them shortens their life, creates health and mental problems, and generally makes your dog unhealthy. One of the criticisms that is common when people hear about owners using a treadmill to fun their dog is that they are too lazy to walk them. This criticism is ignorant, because most of these owners are actually going above and beyond the simple walking that we have been told is enough. They are trying new ways to make their dog healthier, so that they live longer and have fewer issues. Thousands of dogs are abandoned at shelters every year because they are destructive, when simply providing them with enough exercise would have stopped those problems. Aggression, whining, excessive barking, running around and all of the other things that irritate us so much can be reduced by providing enough exercise. A daily walk is not enough exercise.

RUN DAWG is a new concept in dog exercise. We use non-motorized treadmills in a climate controlled and safe environment to allow dogs to walk or run as fast as they want to without hurting themselves. It allows owners to provide the exercise their dog needs without taking the huge amounts of time out of your schedule. We use elevated platforms to allow the dogs to run uphill, effectively building their back leg muscles while also giving them cardiovascular workouts. Just like you go to the gym to actually change your body and get in shape, our specialized equipment allows dogs to do the same.

Call RUN DAWG at 702-857-5755 to arrange an appointment for your best friend, or visit our website to learn more. Love your dog? Run your dog!