by RUN DAWG | Jul 23, 2021 | Canine Fitness
For Release Time 7-23-21 Walking Your Dog Is Not Enough, RUN DAWG Runs Dogs Veterinarians Agree Most Dogs Need 30 Minutes Of Running Daily Las Vegas— 7-23-21 —RUN DAWG is a mobile dog gym that serves the Las Vegas valley, providing exercise for dogs on treadmills....
by RUN DAWG | Jul 23, 2021 | Canine Fitness
All dogs run at different speeds depending not only on their breed, but also on their individual health, physical well being or limitations, age and level of fitness. Slower dog breeds tend to have shorter legs and be heavier as far as musculature and bone density....
by RUN DAWG | Jul 23, 2021 | Canine Fitness
Because dogs are so varied as far as their body types, leg lengths and physical stamina tolerances it is difficult to get a good number as far as how fast the average dog is. The most general consensus is that dogs can typically run a mile in about 8-10 minutes and...
by RUN DAWG | Jul 23, 2021 | Canine Fitness
The people who use services like the mobile dog gym that we operate in Las Vegas are typically concerned about the health and well being of their dogs. They have come to understand from research or veterinary advice that the typical dog that gets a walk every day is...
by RUN DAWG | Jul 20, 2021 | Canine Fitness
Mobile Dog Gyms are a new concept in dog exercise that is gaining in popularity across the United States and Canada, primarily in hot climates and areas where owners may have less ability to walk or run their dogs. A “mobile dog gym” is a facility that has...