by RUN DAWG | Aug 10, 2021 | Canine Fitness
We live in a culture where we are constantly being argumentative, and viewing anyone who is trying to explain that we may be incorrect about something as a personal attack. While the age of “trolling” may be seen as a simple irritation to many, the...
by RUN DAWG | Jul 31, 2021 | Canine Fitness
One of the hallmarks of education is to admit that you do not know everything. Even if it was the way you have always understood it to be, accepting that new ideas and concepts can improve your life is necessary to moving forward. Sometimes, “the way we have...
by RUN DAWG | Jul 28, 2021 | Canine Fitness
People who have a misunderstanding of the process will often comment negatively on treadmill exercise for dogs. On social media we will often post live videos on Instagram or TikTok showing how the process works, and showing the dogs exercising. Many times, people...
by RUN DAWG | Jul 23, 2021 | Canine Fitness
For Release Time 7-23-21 Walking Your Dog Is Not Enough, RUN DAWG Runs Dogs Veterinarians Agree Most Dogs Need 30 Minutes Of Running Daily Las Vegas— 7-23-21 —RUN DAWG is a mobile dog gym that serves the Las Vegas valley, providing exercise for dogs on treadmills....
by RUN DAWG | Jul 23, 2021 | Canine Fitness
All dogs run at different speeds depending not only on their breed, but also on their individual health, physical well being or limitations, age and level of fitness. Slower dog breeds tend to have shorter legs and be heavier as far as musculature and bone density....
by RUN DAWG | Jul 23, 2021 | Canine Fitness
Because dogs are so varied as far as their body types, leg lengths and physical stamina tolerances it is difficult to get a good number as far as how fast the average dog is. The most general consensus is that dogs can typically run a mile in about 8-10 minutes and...