Treadmill Exercise For Dogs

Treadmill Exercise For Dogs

When we started running dogs on treadmills, we didn’t think that it would be controversial. Unfortunately, a lack of understanding of the process and hat is happening has created an environment where many people feel the need to voice an uninformed opinion of...
Do All Dogs Run On The Treadmills?

Do All Dogs Run On The Treadmills?

All dogs are different, and because our treadmills (slatmills) are not powered by motors we are relying on the dog themselves to move forward in order to create the motion. It works very simply, the dog has a harness that is connected to the treadmill at the center....
Hot Weather And Dog Running

Hot Weather And Dog Running

In order for your dog to remain happy and healthy, you need to provide them with exercise. This does not mean that you take a few minutes when it is convenient for you, because dog’s bodies are designed specifically to burn the calories that they ingest. This...
How To Make Your Dog Lose Weight

How To Make Your Dog Lose Weight

Weight gain is a very typical problem in both dogs and humans in 2021. The problems that cause weight gain are numerous, and many times medical conditions will be the primary cause. Unfortunately for the majority of the population, the problem is pretty simple, that...
Treadmill Exercise For Dogs

Is Walking My Dog Every Day Enough Exercise?

While it must be noted that each breed, as well as each individual dog because if individual issues like physical health and age, is going to need different amounts of exercise to stay healthy, unfortunately most dogs do not get enough exercise. Veterinarians...
Dog Treadmill Exercise? Isn’t Walking Enough?

Dog Treadmill Exercise? Isn’t Walking Enough?

Many people are shocked to see a service like RUN DAWG Mobile Dog Gym that offers exercise for dogs using treadmills. There are many uninformed people who will immediately think that it is cruel to exercise your dog in this way, or say that owners who choose to...